(több mint 100 ütem/perc)
Sportolóknál különösen fontos, hogy nyugalmi állapotban ilyen magas ez az érték. Mivel ilyenkor az oxigén ellátás nem teljesértékű, ezért a teljesítményre negatív hatással lehet, hamarabb jelentkező fáradás. Lényeges továbbá a terhelés alatt, illetve után a terhelés csökkenését követően mérhető megnyugvási idő, illetve időszak hossza, sportolók esetében az intervallum terhelések elviselését, a gyors regenerálódást csökkenti. Nem sportolóknál előfordul lázas állapotban, pajzsmirigy túlműködésben, felhívhatja a figyelmet vérszegénységre, szívelégtelenségre, gyógyszerhatásra, vagy élvezeti cikkek (pl. kávé, energiaital, alkohol) túlzott fogyasztására.
Stimulation disorders - bradycardia
(less than 60 beats/minute) In non-athletes it may draw attention to hypothyroidism, drug side effects, in elderly patients drug overdose. Athletes can have a heart rate of up to 40/ minutes at night.
Stimulation disorders - tachycardia
(more than 100 beats / minute) It is especially important, that for athletes at rest this value is so high. As the oxygen supply is not complete in this case, performance may be negatively affected, earlier fatigue. It is also important the length of rest time period measured, after the load has decreased, in the case of athletes, it reduces the endurence of intervall of loads and rapid regeneration. In non-athletes, it occurs in a febrile state, hyperthyroidism, and may call attention to anemia, heart failure, or excessive consumption of medication or pleasure items e.g. coffee, energy drink, alcohol.
Stimulation disorders - extra systole
This problem can often be felt, it can be confusing (we feel like an omission or an extra beat) with the help of the device it can be seen if it is of atrial or ventricular origin, that is, in which part of the heart the extra beat is generated. In atrial case, this can be caused by excessive stress, significant amount of alcohol and coffee, untreated heart failure, possibly myocarditis, or hyperthyroidism. In Ventricular case, it can be caused by high caffeine consumption, smoking, excessive stress, anxiety, possible drug use, and heavy alcohol consumption, but coronary heart disease, possible heart attack, but possible allergies, effect of asthma drugs, or low potassium levels, or pregnancy.
Stimulation disorders - atrial fibrillation
It can often be felt as tremor and heartbeat feeling, (may occur episodically - therefore continuous measurement is important), this can have countless complications - pulmonary embolism, stroke, cerebral infarction. In some cases, restoration of sinus rhythm is also possible (in case of arrhythmia not older than 12 months), either with rash-cardioversion or with rhythm restoration with medication. This is especially important in young people because the intervention greatly improves quality of life, improves hemodynamics (blood flow) and reduces the incidence of complications. The detrimental effect on performance is particularly significant during sports. The known treatment protocol can only be used in case of a recognized diagnosis, and this is often quite difficult to find, because it is possible that it occurs only rarely, for a short time. Behind the origin may be a heart valve problem, coronary artery disease, myocarditis or pericarditis, high blood pressure, thyroid dysfunction, possibly a heart attack. It can be caused by excessive caffein or alcohol consumption, but also by drug overdose.
Stimulation disorders - ventricular fibrillation
It already shakes the circulation - resuscitation, rash. (Life-threatening arrhythmia) The most common causes are myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease, or heart attack. Other cause may be a shock or very low levels of potassium in the blood (hypokalaemia).
Stimulation disorders - ventricular tachycardia
Ventricular heartbeat, when an arrhythmia, consisting of three or more consecutive ventricular extrasystoles occurs, exceeding the frequency of 100-200 beats/minute. Prolonged ventricular tachycardia is also dangerous because it can worsen and go into ventricular fibrillation, the latter is a form of cardiac arrest. Occasionally, ventricular tachycardia causes few symptoms, even if the heart rate is above 200 / min, but it is definitely a very dangerous condition. Of course, increased exercise and sports can be an additional risk in such cases, due to the increase in heart rate caused by the exercise.
Stimulus conduction disorders
These are conditions that can cause a heartbeat failure, or only a weak beat, or a very long pause may occure. The degree of heart block may be first, second and third degree, depending on whether conduction to the ventricles is slightly or intermittently delayed or completely discontinued. A missing heartbeat while exercising can cause a significant loss of performance.
Heart diseases - cardiac aneurysm
It develops due to weakness of the vessel wall. The danger is that if it breaks out, bleeding develops, the bigger the larger the vessel in question - rupture of the aortic aneurysm, for example, can cause a life-threatening condition. In young people, aneurysms due to genetic causes typically occur in the brain, while in older people, types, due to atherosclerosis are more common. An aneurysm can develop not only in the brain, but also elsewhere, but causes a serious, life-threatening condition mostly in the brain (the brain aneurysm cannot be detected by the ECG) and in the large artery, the aorta. Unfortunately, it has already caused the deaths of several athletes, through rupture and bleeding during exercise.
Heart diseases - hypertrophy
Or exaggeration, when changes due to chronic cardiac exertion produce myocardial thickening. It is a disorder of cell growth and differentiation, when the volume of cells in a tissue increases without a significant change in the number of cells. As a result, the tissue or organ itself is enlarged. The performance of a hypertrophic organ or tissue increases in the beginning, but its reserve strength decreases, so it is depleted sooner than an intact organ. It adapts to the overload for some time and works satisfactorily, but after a time, however its function is disrupted and its structure degenerative changes and insufficiency develops. The main reason for this is the change in the blood supply to the organ, because in case of overload the vascular system and vascular network do not grow in proportion to the growth of the cells, so in the enlarged organ the same vascular network has to supply a larger part of tissue with blood and oxygen. It can lead to significant performance loss for athletes.
Heart diseases - angina
A clinical syndrome caused by insufficiency of the blood supply to the heart muscle and lack of oxygen. It appears in the form of a feeling of tightness or pressure in the left chest or sternum, the cause is calcification and narrowing of the coronary arteries that feed the heart. It can have serious consequences, indicating an increased risk of heart attack. It is a common complaint of middle-aged and older men and women over menopause.
Heart diseases - infarction
That is, myocardial ischemia - necrosis, the early signs and signs of which can be detected, as well as the acute signs and the cases that have already taken place, can be detected by the system. Asymptomatic, so-called “silent” infarction is common, which can only be detected by examination methods, but the risk of recurrence is significant, so regular examination and monitoring after its development is recommended. The disease is a direct threat to life, and in the case of athletes, controlled return and rehabilitation under constant supervision are especially important. In addition, regular monitoring for predisposing disease, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, is important.
Heart diseases - myocarditis or pericarditis
Usually an inflammatory disease caused by viruses, bacteria or chemicals, but can also be of cytostatic or autoimmune origin. As a result of inflammation, the cells of the heart muscle begin to die, leading to a malfunction of the heart. Our central organ is able to counteract and compensate this only for a while, so the disease can lead to gradually deteriorating blood circulation. Early detection is extremely important because the process cannot be reversed later. Symptoms of the disease include persistent difficulty breathing, unreasonable rapid heartbeat, fever of uncertain origin, and possibly swollen feet. Symptoms may be associated with signs of heart failure, in severe cases with arrhythmias, which can be fatal. In the case of athletes, a significant decrease in performance, but in the case of permanent damage, a permanent deterioration in performance and the loss of a sports career can also be the consequence. According to statistics, sudden death in twenty percent of young adults is due to myocarditis. Mild myocarditis in adults often heals spontaneously and completely, but otherwise it can become chronic if complete cure is not achieved.
Heart diseases - Metabolic - electrolyte abnormalities
High / low potassium / calcium / magnesium levels can lead to various malfunctions. It is especially important for athletes, because inadequate levels can lead to a decline in performance or stagnation in development. In case of initial differences, cramps, pains, fatigue, dizziness, which may already affect our well-being and ability to performance. In case of more severe deviations, other diseases and symptoms, presented at the development of stimulus generating or stimulus conduction disorders may occur.
Heart diseases - high blood pressure
The disease is initially asymptomatic, so it can only be recognized in other diseases or in a general control study. Prolonged problems lead to deterioration of circulation, which can lead to numerous diseases, but also indirectly to death. Detection in connection with cardiac overload can also be detected by the PrivateDoctor ECG BELT.
Heart diseases - pulmonary embolism
Occlusion of the main and / or secondary arteries of the lungs. This is most often caused by thrombosis, which is largely due to the rupture of a blood clot from the deep vein areas of the foot. In athletes, injuries, especially lower limb injuries, often lead to thrombosis. The disease is asymptomatic in the early stages, so early detection may be key to preventing irreversible damage. In athletes, permanent damage to the lungs can lead to a final decline in performance, in most cases the end of a sports career, or even immediate death, as it can greatly shake the circulation. The system may also be suitable for detecting performance enhancers and regular drug use, as well as for indicating incorrect drug dosing. For patients with a pacemaker, it helps identify a malfunctioning pacemaker, the correction of which results in an asymptomatic, better quality of life. For athletes, a well-tuned device can provide full sports performance.
The diseases listed require an accurate hospital examination
The device used does not replace multi-channel hospital equipment, it can only be used to raise awareness and predict!